Stop the Apple Spam Can!

Are you finding a lot of spam notifications on your iPhone from Apple? Ie. Those pesky promo notifications telling you to set up Apple Pay or Apple Music. You may have tried checking your Notifcations settings to try and switch them off, but with no success. The truth is…the setting is somewhat…hidden. So here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of the can of Spam on your iPhone, figuratively speaking…


How To Stop Apple’s Spam Notifications

  1. Navigate to Settings > Apple ID


2. Tap on Name, Phone Numbers, Email

3. Swipe to the bottom of the next page and you’ll see these options under Subscriptions - Announcements and Apps, Music, Movies, Apple Pay and… tap on the switches to disable them! You can also disable Apple New Updates while you’re at it.

…And voila! That should cease all Apple spam notifications!